Member for: 8 months
Type: Registered user
Full name: kitana
Location: costume
About: Kitana Costume - The Princess of Edenia
The Princess of Edenia, Kitana, is one of the most recognizable characters in the Mortal Kombat series. She is known for her blue mask and outfit as well as her dual steel fans.

She is an extremely strong warrior and a true lady. She is also able to deceive and manipulate her enemies; she falsely believed Shao Kahn was her father in MK II.

Product Description
Kitana is one of the most famous and beloved characters in the Mortal Kombat series. She is known for her dual steel fans and blue outfit. She is the Princess of Edenia and the daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel. She is 44 years old, but is considered young in her realm of Edenia and looks as though she is in her early twenties. She was the loyal stepdaughter of Shao Kahn until she freed herself from his control and aligned herself with the warriors of Earthrealm to combat any attempt by Shao Kahn to take over Outworld again.

The Kitana Costume is designed to accurately portray her unique look in the game. This is a high-quality costume that is made to fit players ranging in height from 5’5” to 6’2. It features a blue jumpsuit with silver details and matching arm cuffs, boots and headpiece. This outfit is truly stunning to behold and will impress all who see it.

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